Saturday, March 23, 2019

Almond Trees

The corpses of almond trees line the fields in neat rows.
Their white branches reaching to the sky, almost as in supplication.
The ground is bare beneath.

It is winter and the trees are in hibernation, resting after a long season of work.
Though bare, their branches hold the promise of the Spring to come.
When the ground will wake once more.

Little nodules where tiny green buds will appear as if by magic.
Branches and leaves will spring from where once there seemed to be nothing.
Then the buds will appear.

White spots of beauty adorn their arms. The fruit of that vine.
The wind blows and the rains falls. The trees stand tall through it all.
 The petals cover the ground in a Spring "snow".

As the nuts begin to grow, the rabbits will run through the lush grass that now covers the orchard floor.
The almonds will begin to change color and harden.
Soon it will be time.

The machines invade the serene scene. Noisily they shake the nuts from the trees and pick them up from the ground. Once the orchard has been ravaged for it's bounty, the discarded shells will cover the ground.
The trees' work for the season is done.

The farmer will mow and trim. Preparing the trees for the winter to come.
The leaves will fall. The wind blows them about and the rabbits crunch them underfoot.
The trees stand bare once more, to rest until the Season will begin again.